October, November, December

The last three months of the year are my favourite months, culminating in a climax of one big, heartwarming celebration with good food, family and friends. I’d look forward to the festivities, look up new recipes for making that devil of a dessert, set up a pretty dining table and mostly, catch up.

It didn’t work out that way the past couple of years. As I remember, it was mostly tiring. I felt obligated and couldn’t wait for it to be over. We’d typically do it potluck style, with both food and the fun, so everyone would get involved and be part of the preparations. I guess life got in the way, and efforts were, frankly, subpar. We were eating out of disposable dishes, and aluminum trays on a table barren of any sort of order or set up. It was like eating fast food – dig in and move along. I should be glad that there was food on the table but it really wasn’t much of a point gathering to do that – I could do the same alone. Anyhow, I was part of the problem too.


It really wasn’t the food. People are just tired. I suppose those who are building careers or have started families of their own will understand the weariness and general lethargy when it comes to additional roles – you just don’t want another bloody project!

I would say, take a back seat. Take time to smell the roses. But it is easier said than done. I would know. I missed the fun of having cosy parties and the anticipation of what fellow revellers would bring to the table.

Maybe this year, with the new developments around the family, it would be different.

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