Cat Talk

I thought I heard my cat say Hello yesterday. Well, his diction wasn’t clear so it sounded something like Auu-ooo. So I greeted him back with a mew, and he went on a soliloquy.

He is quite the conversationalist. We have frequent chats with him, particularly when he first sees us in the mornings and around dinner in the evenings.

He asks questions too – like when he popped out of his blanket last evening and showed us his cute face with an inquiring Meow?


He is also very vocal when he demands to know where we have been the whole day, when he thinks it’s bonding time and after he poos (cos he wants the litterbox cleaned. Fussy!)

Otherwise he just plays on his own and sleeps – in the oddest positions possible. Watching him sleep cracks me up and makes my neck ache. And makes me want to hug him tight 🙂

He has taught me loads in the short time he has been with us: His needs come first, we need to yell out to report when we get home, the importance of maintaining OCD-level cleanliness (I am with him on this), and how to mew properly.

I am quite sure he has a bone to pick with my cadence.


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